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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Where I Was...

Hello everyone-I just wanted to let you all know how sorry i was that I didn't make it to the Loop saturday. I had been in L.A. for a week first to work on a Grammy pre-show, then for a week of meetings. Due to the unforunate circumstance of being stuck for hours friday night in the Burbank Airport trying to get home, my flight took off 5 hours late. And then we were diverted from Kennedy on Jet Blue due to ice on the runway-so i arrived home early the next morning instead of 10 pm the night before-when i was scheduled to land.

I even spoke to the Loop's owner Bruce a couple of hours before my car was to pick me up saturday night-but due to absolute exhaustion-my half hour nap turned into 4 hours of dead to the world sleep and when i woke up, i was horrified to see it was 8:49 pm, my car service had left hours earlier, and I was stuck without a ride. Nonetheless, I was sad and dissapointed because I was so excited to see everyone.

I called Frank but by that time everyone was leaving. So accept my apology for not making it, and I promise to make the next one. At least I was there in spirit through the music and Frank Gibson's amazing slide show!

The Melody lives on forever.


Blogger debbie said...

the flight delays / cancellations have been really rough this weekend - especially for jet blue! i was going to try to fly out from LA as well for the reunion, but it looks like i might not have made it anyway with all the weather troubles.

i am sure everyone undersands...things like that happen.

here's a good excuse to plan another party, though! :)

~debbie (an old friend from the melody days)

ps thank you for all the years of musical inspiration at 106.3 and the mel...i talk about those days often!

11:20 AM, February 19, 2007  
Blogger Jersey Girl said...

Matt, you were absolutely missed, but you are WERE most definitely there in spirit (and your image was everywhere, including on a few t-shirts). And your capable comrades in spin more than held their own. Please make it next time...yes, there has to be a next time!

Laura in NJ

10:07 PM, February 19, 2007  
Blogger josephdisciullo said...

i was also hoping to make it to the loop for an evening of inspired music and to say hi to matt and sean and other melody veterans. that became impossible when my wife gave birth three weeks earlier. i certainly hope that the next melody reunion is soon and that i will be available.
joey d
wrsu-fm radio air staff

4:57 PM, February 20, 2007  

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