for April 13, 2005

Lists! And Teeth!
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman

Your Darling, Your Diva, Your One True Love is a gal on the run. Between errands, spring cleaning, and wedding season in a giant Italian family, Your Delight has found herself counting her pennies and making ambitious to-do lists. Here’s one for Altrok readers contemplating the rites of spring, animal magnetism and a light nibble.
Good doggy!
Goosy greeters. Think WalMart.
Hot panda-on-panda action.
Managing moose traffic.
Adorable rescue hippo.
And of course Anna Nicole Smith!
An aside: perhaps you’ve noticed Devo’s Uncontrollable Urge scores a Mitsubishi Lancer ES commercial. Your Beloved almost dropped her almond tea when she saw it. There was only a moment to stare before the next task presented itself, but it was charming to observe that somewhere an ad executive had finally remembered Devo was all about desire – and frustration.
We’re off again, in a cloud of gift wrap and tissue paper! Spring is here at last! Is your cat giving you the eye?

©2005 Robin Pastorio-Newman