Altrok Radio: Best Of The Year
by Sean Carolan
Firstly: You should be listening to Altrok Radio. It's on right now, and it'll pop right up (meaning you should tell your pop-up stopper to let that happen) when you click here.
Right now and until January 7, Altrok Radio is playing all
of the Grinders that attained that hallowed position in 2004 - that's all the songs worthy of being placed in our
power rotation. From Vive La Fete's "Noir Desir" to Franz
Ferdinand's "Take Me Out", to Hyper-Kinako's "Dont' Delete My Frog"
and Morrissey's "First Of The Gang To Die", and all the rest of the
several-dozen songs that made the grade.
We'll count down the top 100 on New Year's Eve and repeat that all
day New Year's Day, too. Then we'll do the Top 25 all over again on WRSU next Tuesday, January 4.
(Incidentally, I let the cat out of the bag on Pat Pierson's WRSU
show as far as the #1 pick, but if you didn't hear it there,
you'll hear it here.)
Why'm I telling you this? Two reasons:
1. It's the best music that we played this year...
2. ...and I need the listeners. (Sheesh, you'd think nobody listens
to their computers during the holidays...if you can connect for five hours
a day, it'll go a long way toward ensuring that Altrok Radio
stays healthy and thrives. Remember, unlike regular radio, every
minute you listen to us is tallied up, so the more you listen, the
more visible we are, and more people will find us - so you can help
us build an audience directly.)
So connect and enjoy...
Click here to start.
©2004 Sean Carolan