for August 25, 2004

Boat Fishin'
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman

Let's apply some common sense to an increasingly senseless situation: the furor surrounding the Swift Boat Veterans For Truth ad maligning John Kerry's war record. The gossipy fuss provides us with a clue to the bigger picture. Essentially, the longer we talk about the ad and the allegations, the better for Kerry's opponent. Why? Because we are invited to form opinions on historical events we did not witness, and we will never really get at the facts. So let’s deal with what we can ascertain:
Going to Vietnam and having combat experience: John Kerry.
Skipping out on Vietnam: George W. Bush.
If military records matter, we should regard with tremendous suspicion any little hint that Kerry has done anything questionable when Bush’s military records leave us with nothing but questions. This is not to say Kerry was a perfect soldier, untroubled and secure. We know that was not the case – he was very much troubled by what he did and saw - but that’s not the issue, is it? And if it were, wouldn’t it be a sign of conscience? Your Darling, Your Diva, Your One True Love hopes it would.
It’s so, so simple. The controversy should teach us we’re being baited. Common sense should tell us to watch out for the hook.

©2004 Robin Pastorio-Newman