for April 15, 2004

Altrok Ticker 4/15/2004
by the staff of

Retrocrush's Worst Halloween Costumes of All Time. Made of genuine plastic, for your budding celebrity spree killer.:
Your little tyro's well on his way to the rubber room thanks to these creepy costumes, all lovingly assembled for your perusal pleasure. Caution: may cause compulsive flinching.

Yep, They Want To Charge More:
The Register brings us a story of the music industry and capitalism at work: Not making enough? Raise prices on the format that costs the least to bring to market! Unless you profit less when you do that - which will likely be the case when they try to double (or more) the price of a downloaded song.

The McCartney Version:
Paul McCartney considers launching a fully-animated film, and in doing so may pick up the ball where the Disney corporation has dropped it. Via Reuters.

Pixies Interruptus:
All the better to pick up where they left off. The Pixies hit the tour stage, as told by
