for April 12, 2004

Altrok Ticker 4/12/2004
by the staff of

"Female fans here express a strong desire to have sex with her.":
Gina Gershon, who is an actress, tours as a lead singer with Girls Against Boys, who are men, and is lusted after by (as reported in the New York Times, free registration required) lesbian fans who have her confused with the character she played in "Bound". Confused?

Michael Stipe And Mandy Moore Cover The Beach Boys:
Rolling Stone calls the pairing of Mandy Moore and Michael Stipe "unlikely". She also made the "unlikely" move of covering XTC and Waterboys songs. Eventually, isn't there a point where you do enough "unlikely" things that they stop being "unlikely"? And shouldn't she try her hand at "Talk About The Passion" next?
