for March 26, 2004

Bedfellow Bemusement
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman

Your Darling, Your Diva, Your One True Love is not an investigative journalist. We should giggle politely at the suggestion! And so her Altrok columns are merely the opinion of one exceptionally interesting person who works on impressions she gathers of whatever passes for facts in the media.
Thus, it's truly startling when those impressions turn out to be pretty much dead-on. Richard Clarke's revelations in front of the 9/11 commission and in his book tell a story any observer might have gleaned from simply listening to the news.
And Howard Stern's legal battle over his distasteful but profitable show might inspire the listening public to take to the streets, not in celebration but outrage. We should all watch this carefully. If Stern gets fired, we're all one step closer to losing the radio waves. It may never have occurred to you to raise a flag and join his battle, but it must.
Ever thought politics could be so transparently evil? It's a new day, and the battle lines are drawn.
Where do you stand?

©2004 Robin Pastorio-Newman