When Dinosaurs Roamed (Punk 101)
by Stiffy Biceptz
Rhino Records recently released an authoritative punk collection called "No Thanks", which fairly samples most of what I would call the First Punk Movement, which started with a bang in 1976 and traces generally to about 1982.
I found the 4 CD compilation to be quite effective in its coverage of the breadth of bands which might have been considered punk and proto-punk at the time (more so now), and I had a hard time thinking of many bands that might have been left out. One obvious absence is that of the Sex Pistols, who apparently refused to be involved with the product. Rhino openly admits this notable gap and suggests you go out and purchase "Never Mind the Bollocks" to complete the picture. The only other that came to mind was the Psychedelic Furs.
Nonetheless "No Thanks" is an excellent primer for anyone interested in discovering punk music for themselves, or for any of you youngsters who think that punk music started in the 90's. I emphasize primer because the track list gives the listener just a taste of dozens of the best bands' music, often excluding their signature tunes. It's enough to get you interested and still makes going out and purchasing the original albums worthwhile. Stiffy Biceptz highly recommends this collection.
While listening to "No Thanks", I also recommend you read a book entitled "England's Dreaming" as a superb written history of punk during the same time period, up to about 1980. The book is highly readable and accurate, and is essentially a history text that reveals who and what the punk movement really was, and its connection to the politics, economics and culture of the mid to late 70's. It is written by Jon Savage and is available at Amazon.com, which you can get to directly via the links in this story. Please do so.
©2003 Stiffy Biceptz