for October 16, 2002

Just the Way You War
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman

This week's music and celebrity press material was full of the same old stuff. You mean Katie Holmes is a mammal? Wait - here's something different: Michael Moore's new movie Bowling for Columbine opened to rave reviews and permits us to send WalMart poison pen letters? Though Your Darling, Your Diva, Your One True Love doesn't always agree with the intrepid Moore's opinions, one must respect Moore's eye for detail, his grasp of the facts, and his genuine love for tragic and comic America.
Again, we watch The Sopranos and find familiar faces. This time, it's No Soap Radio, some very silly locals churning out the guitar heavy Central Jersey noise. One wonders if we will all soon report for Sopranos duty: "Mr. Bronchtein, I'm turning myself in. Yes, I took my sweet time. Yes, I've baked truckloads of ziti. Where should I stand and pop my gum?"
Curses upon the incredible expanding head of Billy Joel! The ad for his musical - which promises to change our minds about everything a musical is - drops five bucks in the mental jukebox and plays "Big Shot" all night.

©2002 Robin Pastorio-Newman