The Gospel According to Thy Diva: Would She Lie to Thou?
by Your Diva, Robin Pastorio-Newman
In a scene thou wilt find many kinds of artists. Do not in thy haste
pursue simply the guitar bands, for they are many in my sight but not
forming the whole of the scene. Pursue also the painters and poets,
sculptors and dancers, and embrace the performance artists, and thou,
musician, wilt have many friends who truly dig thy potatoes.
Go in person to see other artists, for the other artists shall be
grateful and will pay five bucks to see thy show. And lo, there will
be free drink tickets.
Pester not bartenders, club owners and cafe proprietors with petty
concerns like the whereabouts of thy drummer. Though they are busy,
they saw thy drummer's groupies, and wish him at least a pox,
possibly upon his cattle.
If at the open mic nights, thou hearest 15 versions of "Dust In the
Wind" thou shalt move to a town where thou hearest no versions of
"Dust In the Wind," however thou try.
When other artists suck in thy sight, know thou the diff between a
lack of skill and thine own taste? For good art may rock thy boat
without rocking thy world. Thou wilt say, "Interesting..." and "They're
nice guys..."
Wuss not in front of audiences by turning thy back, lest thy audience
reciprocate and head toward the bar. Not one people wish to watch
guitar straps, nor the movement of back pockets, for back pockets move
little and guitar straps move neither to the right nor to the left.
Instead, thou must move thy whole self, giving thy audience a thing
to look at, for they will love a thing to look at. This I have said,
this must thou hear and obey.
Screw not with the sound man, for he is thy God.
Keep thy promises to landlords regarding noise lest thou find thyself
homeless, and thy band rehearsing in abandoned buildings. Lo, they
will be without power when no bill is paid and thou wilt not plug in.
It is known in the land by one and all that musicians should make
music, and music that makes the chicks dance increases thy chances
with the chicks who dance and with the chicks who do not dance.
Though guitarists begat guitarists and drummers begat drummers
none begat without chicks, and heed thou them when they wish to
dance for thou shalt get laid.
Hear me now and know the truth: no one is a scene unto himself. If
there are no painters and scuptors and poets, oh my, thou hast no
scene. Should thy head swell and thy ego inflate and thee begin
referring to thyself in the disturbing third person, thou wilt skip
practice and play flat, and I will mock thy haircut. If thou art
the only game in town, thou needest another town, for no scene will
grow, and thou wilt fail to learn from the others of thy kind, and
thy band may come to suck.
Keep this as a sign unto thyself. Go forth and sing on key.
©2001 Robin Pastorio-Newman